Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Birthday.

This year, I had one of the most amazing birthdays I could ever ask for. I celebrated with my friends and family, and there's still more fun to come! Around this time last year, my life would soon change and I would have never imagined I would experience all that I did.

18 was a big year for me. A LOT happened, and it changed me in a ton of ways. Although a very tough year, I will always look back on being 18 and smile because I got to experience so many wonderful things like, falling in love for the first time. Ah, yes...this was one of my personal favorites. Although things didn't end up the best, I will never ever forget this part of my life. (Kay, I'm gonna get a little bit sappy for a second but..) I got a chance to fall in love with one of the most amazing men that I know. Regardless of what anyone has to say, he still inspires me to be the best woman that I can be, and I will always love, and look up to him.

The second best thing that happened to me over this past year was my job. I received an amazing opportunity to work with one of the most smartest women that I know. I got to travel and play in LA and work with so many new people. Kim, Jasmine, Liana, Tia, Ahmondra, Pam, and Terri. All these women are so amazing, beautiful, and powerful and I learned so much from working with them. 

Aside from work, I survived my first year of college! It wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be, and I actually somewhat enjoyed it. Now, almost halfway done with my sophomore year, I look forward to transfering to Arizona State next fall semester. That will be a whole new and exciting chapter in my life, and I can't even begin to express how excited I am to be moving away from home.

Welp, another Birthday has come and passed, and I'm looking forward to what being 19 brings me. My grandma told me today, "Enjoy your last year as a "teen," because once you hit your twenties, it'll fly by like no other." Well I'm definitely going to enjoy this last year, and I'm ready to fully embrace whatever comes my way, good or bad.