Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Get Ready World...

I don't know what this picture has to do with this
post, but I took it and I like it. Yeah, get used
to my randomness. Love it. Embrace it :)
I've decided to give my blog a makeover and really start writing on a regular basis. I've also decided that my camera will be attached to my hip from now on so I can add my own pictures to this thing! 

I am on a journey to become a very successful woman. I'm ready to experience all life has to offer-the good, the bad, and even the ugly. But hopefully more good, than bad and ugly!

 I would like to start off by thanking two people. First, Jasmine Powers. I met her through work, and this woman is fierce with a capital F! She has inspired me to find my happiness, and to bring my own sexy back. She has her very own blog that I encourage you to make your way over to at http://www.culturedgirlsonly.com/

The second person goes by the name of Jeremy Vasquez.

"A woman doesn't know what she wants until she sees it. She's strong in the mind but weak in the knees. Although she's waiting to exhale, she's ready to have her breathe taken away. Every woman has her share of bad luck before her wheel of fortune.."

This man can write his butt off! The words above are just a small example of the words of wisdom he provides on a daily basis. I don't think he knows just how much some of his words have touched me. The way he expresses his feelings, thoughts, and emotions through words is truly captivating. His words have inspired me to do what I do best-WRITE.

With that being said, I plan to make this blog a personal diary of sorts. I want to get out and try new things. I want to be more adventurous, and do things I've never done before. I want to go out and date men that resemble the yummy Shemar Moore (okay, he doesn't have to look like Shemar) but I want to go out and have a good time. I'm ready to see what this world has in store and no one is going to stop me!

Better get ready world, cause here I come...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jesss! As soon as I get my hands on Shemar, I'll introduce you!
